Being well into month 3, with Invisalign, I have really started to notice results and movement, which is truly encouraging. I am now on tray number 10, soon to be onto 11, and have found that these last few trays have had the most noticeable changes; however, this has meant that I have felt the tightness/mild ache has slightly increased with the new trays.
In the beginning of my treatment, the feeling of a new tray being tight would only last around half the day, whereas now it could take up to two days.
The ache is really manageable and hasn’t affected my day to day life whatsoever, so the slightly firmer feeling has actually been nice for me, as it has meant my teeth are moving.
Whether you are changing your trays weekly or fortnightly, you are aiming for your trays to feel slightly loose before you change to the next one. If they still feel tight by the end of the week/fortnight, continue to wear your trays until they sit flush against your teeth.
Not following this closely, could prolong your treatment.
Chewie’s are the best thing to keep your trays in place and to keep them flush with your teeth.
Jenna x