We know how difficult it can be, but stopping smoking is one of the best things you’ll ever do for your health – and that includes your oral and dental health too. Many people don’t realise the damage smoking does to their mouth, gums and teeth. Here’s how smoking affects your oral health causing tooth staining, gum disease and in more severe cases mouth cancer:

By stopping smoking, you will reduce your risk of mouth cancer and you will enjoy better oral health. But it’s important to remain vigilant and to flag anything unusual with your dentist. Mouth cancer is often detected early through dental check-ups, so please remember to book an appointment every 6 months.

If you would like to book a dental check-up or if you feel you would benefit from a hygiene appointment to enjoy whiter, cleaner, shinier teeth, get in touch with Lisa Bonello, our Patient Care Co-Ordinator, on ☎ 01344 300 417 📱07765 333 768 or email 📧