My journey to Renewed Confidence: Teeth Reconstruction at CrownWood Dental, Bracknell, Berkshire by Michael Churcher.

☺️  A huge thank you to Michael for writing a blog on your experience with Teeth in a Day at CrownWood Dental and the care you received from Dr Clozza and the team. We are so happy that you are now free from chronic dental pain and feel confident with your new smile, we think the results looks fantastic 👌

If you are considering Teeth in a Day, please have a read of Michael’s blog on the whole experience, he was also kind enough to record a video testimonial too, which can be found on the blog:

Teeth in a Day is a dental treatment to replace missing teeth with stunning results in just a single day 🦷

Choose CrownWood Dental and benefit from: 🦷 Stunning, reliable, natural-looking results in just one visit

🦷 One of the highest Google rated dentists in Berkshire

🦷 Top quality brand implants for excellent performance

If you think this is the treatment for you, please call Lisa Bonello, our Patient Care Co-Ordinator on ☎️ 01344 300 417 📱07765 333 768 or 📧

My journey to Renewed Confidence: Teeth Reconstruction at CrownWood Dental, Bracknell, Berkshire by Tracy Woledge.


Facing Persistent Dental Challenges

Since my early adulthood, I’ve grappled with persistent dental issues that significantly impacted my life.

At just 21, I underwent a Bimax Osteotomy to address jaw alignment and alleviate pain.

However, over the years, my dental challenges persisted, affecting my ability to eat comfortably and undermining my confidence in my appearance. The constant fear of dental emergencies—like crowns or fillings failing at inconvenient times—added to my stress.

I knew that someday I would likely need most, if not all, of my teeth replaced, and I hoped implants would provide a lasting solution. I had already experienced discomfort with a partial top plate and dreaded the thought of needing bottom dentures.

CrownWood Dental: There For Me For Over Three Decades

My journey with CrownWood began 35 years ago, following my trusted dentist to this practice. Additionally, my eldest son had successful orthodontic work done here, which gave me confidence in the team’s capabilities.

Given this CrownWood Dental was my natural first stop and, from my initial phone call, Lisa has been amazing.  She patiently answered my questions and provided honest guidance without pressure.  We discussed the best Dental Surgeon for my needs which led me to be introduced to Dr. Clozza.  

Despite my fear of dental procedures and the mental toll of anticipation, I knew from our initial meetings that Dr. Clozza’s expertise and approach were what I needed. Though I sought second opinions to ensure thorough consideration, Dr. Clozza’s clarity and reassurance ultimately swayed my decision.

My Fears Alleviated From Day One

On the day of my first visit, I underwent x-rays, guided by the kind and professional Siobhan. Dr. Clozza and his team provided a comprehensive breakdown of my treatment options and associated costs, which helped alleviate some of my anxieties about the process.

Before Treatment

Leading up to the surgery, I experienced significant fear and nervousness, particularly about the procedure potentially failing and the prospect of wearing dentures.  I confided in only my close family members about my decision, uncertain if I would follow through

I am petrified of dentists and, although it was my choice, the thought of having a local anaesthetic was enough to make me run.  However, having received a call from James, my anaesthetist, on the morning of my surgery and then with Lisa’s supportive presence and Dr. Clozza’s confident demeanour throughout the day, I felt surprisingly calm and reassured. 

The Procedure: Surprising Ease and Recovery

The procedure itself was less daunting than I had anticipated. Supported by the skilled team at CrownWood, including Siobhan, I felt safe and well-cared-for throughout. Post-surgery, I experienced some discomfort, primarily a headache, but recovery was smoother than I expected.

As I had very little swelling and bruising, I only need Paracetamol and an ice pack to ease what was best described as discomfort rather than pain.

Returning later that day to receive my temporary teeth was a significant milestone. Despite initial worries about post-operative swelling, the temporary teeth fit comfortably and looked remarkably natural.  Lisa reassured me by saying she was there for me any time if I needed her.

Throughout my journey, I encountered only minor challenges which included an implant failure, some additional bone grafting and treatment for infections.  However, as I was made totally aware this may happen before Surgery began, I remained confident in Dr. Clozza’s expertise and the team’s dedication to my care. Their proactive approach and compassionate support helped me navigate these hurdles with resilience and hope.

Transformational Results

Receiving my final set of teeth was a nerve-wracking yet exhilarating experience. Dr. Clozza’s meticulous work and attention to detail left me speechless.

At the beginning of the process I wanted to be out of pain and to be able to eat better. Most of all I wanted comfy teeth and if they could look better without looking like ‘Turkey Teeth’ that would be a bonus. OMG!  I’m blown away.

After treatment

The transformation in my daily life has been profound; I feel more confident in social and professional settings, no longer burdened by dental discomfort or insecurities.

Reflections And Recommendations

Reflecting on my journey, I wholeheartedly recommend CrownWood Dental and Dr. Clozza to anyone facing similar dental challenges. Despite the financial investment, the return in terms of restored health, comfort, and confidence has been immeasurable. Dr. Clozza’s skill, knowledge, and genuine care have made a lasting impact on my life, and I am deeply grateful for the entire team’s support throughout this transformative process.

In conclusion, my experience has been nothing short of life-changing. It’s not just about aesthetics; it’s about reclaiming comfort, confidence, and quality of life. If you’re considering dental reconstruction, know that with the right team and approach, positive outcomes are within reach and I cannot speak highly enough of CrownWood Dental.

Before treatment
After treatment

A Journey to Renewed Health: My Experience with ‘Teeth in a Day’ at CrownWood Dental by Michael Churcher


“For years, I lived with the constant burden of dental pain, impacting every aspect of my life. Eating became a chore, sleep was a luxury, and I knew the situation would only worsen over time. Then, one day, I made the decision to seek help. Here’s my journey with ‘Teeth in a Day’ at CrownWood Dental and how it transformed my life.”

The Impact Of My Old Teeth

“My old teeth were more than just a cosmetic concern; they were a source of relentless pain. Eating became a challenge, and even the simplest tasks were overshadowed by discomfort. In the weeks before I sought a solution, I was only able to eat soft foods and I knew I couldn’t continue living like this.”

The Decision To Choose ‘Teeth In A Day’

“After weeks of suffering, I reached a breaking point and sought help. CrownWood Dental stood out to me for their prompt attention and the confidence exuded by Dr. Clozza. He assured me that the pain could be alleviated, the damage repaired, and the bone loss managed. I’m delighted to say he was proven right on all three!”

The Treatment Journey

“The initial consultations were informative and reassuring, thanks to the guidance of Lisa, the very able Patient Care Co-Ordinator, Dr. Clozza and his dental nurse, Siobhan. Despite my apprehension, I opted to stay awake during the procedure due to a heart condition. The six-hour process was relatively painless, with Siobhan providing constant updates and explanations as I had requested.”

“While some discomfort followed the surgery, I was told that the pain would ease – which I’m pleased to say it did.  It took about a week to start feeling completely better but this was nothing compared to the agony I had endured before.  I liked to think of it as a short amount of ‘good pain’ replacing long-term ‘bad pain’.”

Life With Temporaries

“As a planned part of the ‘Teeth In A Day’ treatment I was fitted with ‘temporary bridges’ and these provided immediate comfort, containing post-op swelling and allowing me to resume eating relatively soon after the procedure. Their snug fit alleviated any concerns I had, and I began to envision a future free from dental pain.  My final permanent bridges were fitted just a couple of months later and since then I’ve not looked back.”

How ‘Teeth In A Day’ Have Impacted My Life

Michael after his treatment, what a FABULOUS Smile!

“Probably the best way I can explain it is that I have gone back to a time when my jaw and teeth were in a good place.  I simply don’t think about them anymore other than keeping them healthy.”

“The constant pain is now a distant memory, replaced by a newfound sense of normalcy and peace of mind. I’ve regained the ability to enjoy life without the burden of dental discomfort weighing me down.  I have the added bonus of knowing that the negative effects of poor dental health will no longer be impacting on my heart condition.”

A Word About The Dental Team At Crownwood?

“Whilst my biggest objective was a return to long-term dental health, I was also keen that my new smile looked authentic too.  Dr Clozza was very careful to ensure the teeth were designed to look completely natural which he certainly has.  This is probably the greatest difference between wearing dentures which can look unreal and change the character of a person. In my opinion Dr Clozza is not just a brilliant dental technician, but also has the skills to improve the smile without affecting the character. This is something of an art form, a natural ability mixed in with years of experience.”

Recommendations And Reflections

For those facing similar challenges, I wholeheartedly recommend considering ‘Teeth in a Day.’ While each individual’s journey is unique, this procedure offers a path to renewed health and vitality. At CrownWood Dental, the combination of expertise, care and commitment to excellence ensures that patients receive the results they deserve. Dr. Clozza and his team not only restore dental health but also enhances smiles in a natural and convincing manner.

In conclusion, my experience with ‘Teeth in a Day’ at CrownWood Dental has been nothing short of life-changing. It’s not just about aesthetics; it’s about reclaiming health, confidence, and peace of mind. If you’re ready to bid farewell to dental pain and embrace a brighter future, I encourage you to take that first step towards a healthier, happier you.

Michael was so pleased with the results of his Teeth In A Day treatment that he has provided us with a short video too. 

If you would like to book a consultation with Dr Clozza, please call Lisa Bonello, our Patient Care Co-Ordinator on ☎ 01344 300 417 or 📱 07765 333 768  📧 or email Lisa at