Do you sometimes worry that your children are not brushing their teeth properly? Are they doing a rushed job so that they can go off and play?
You might be interested in reading NHS Guidance on how to look after your children’s teeth: https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/healthy-teeth-and-gums/taking-care-of-childrens-teeth/
You will find everything there is to know from brushing their first tooth to their first trip to the dentist with specific advice tailored to their age (up to 3 years old, 3-6 years old, aged 7 and over).
Here are some top tips to help children brush their teeth properly:
🪥Guide your child’s hand so they can feel the correct movement
🪥Use a mirror 🪞so that your child can see where the brush is cleaning their teeth
🪥Make it fun by using an egg timer⏳to time it for about 2 minutes.
🪥Don’t let children run around with a toothbrush in their mouth, as they may hurt themselves.
A regular teeth-cleaning routine at home is essential but just as important is making sure they get regular dental checkups from when their first milk teeth appear. NHS dental care is free for children so if you would like to book an appointment for your little one, just call Lisa Bonello, our Patient Care Co-Ordinator ☎️ 01344 300 417 📱07765 333 768 or 📧 pc@crownwooddental.co.uk