Dr Ben Lee, our resident Dermatologist, has created a post regarding sun protection to prevent Skin Cancer

The management of Actinic Keratosis: ☀️ Rigorous sun protection is the management first step: lifestyle #sunavoidance >clothing>#sunscreen ?high UVA+B filters should contain antioxidants and liposomal DNA-photolyase ?chemoprevention of SCC #efudix #aldara comes with cosmetic improvement of photoaged skin, with regular infrequent application of 5% 5-FU ?a 12 day continuous daily application of Imiquimod instead of x2/week for 12 weeks may enhance adherence to therapy; clinical efficacy of topicals depends on bioavailability of active ingredients within epidermis, therefore, combination with chemical peels and/or keratolysis agents (urea, salicylic acid, glycolic acid) confers a more favourable outcome ⚠️’Celtic’ skin #fitzpatricktype1 types confers greater risks of cancinogensis due to its association with diminished MC1R gene function #dnarepairenzymes ??⚕️multiple approaches achieve better outcomes and tolerability

To book an appointment with Dr Lee ☎️01344 482 882 or check out more on the website HERE